Try our Gene Validation Tool

We are on the second half of the development period and the structure of the code looks like this:

If you have doubts about some genes you use in your analysis or you are just curios about the progress of our project, try the steps described below:

* How to use the tool at this point:   

    1. Prerequisite: ncbi blast >=2.2 and R >= 2.14.2

    2. Get the source code
$ git clone
    3. Be sudo and build the gem

$ sudo rake
    4. Run GeneValidation
$ genevalidatior [-x xml_file_path]
[-r raw_seq_file_path] fasta_file_path

$ genevalidator -x data/all_validations_prot/all_validations_prot.xml data/all_validations_prot/all_validations_prot.fasta -r data/all_validations_prot/all_validations_prot.xml.raw_seq

This will provide validation results in yaml and html format, at the same path with your input file. In html format you can visualize the plots and histograms for certain statistics used in the validation steps.

Other things:
    5. Run unit tests

$ rake test

     6. Generate documentation

$ rake doc
* How to add a new validation (3 steps)
Steps 1 and 2: Each validation is defined by 2 extended classes:
(1)- extend ValidatioReport - stores the output of the validation test and some methods used for data representation (validation, print, color)
(2)- extend ValidationTest ('run' method must be overloaded, run must return ValidationReport class type,  some fields have to be updated: the validation name used in the header, description, plot_files)
Step 3:  Add the validation to the validations list, which is further processed for yaml/html/console visualization

validations = []
validations.push, prediction, hits, plot_path, plots)
validations.push YourValidationClass(@type, prediction, hits, other_arguments)

# check the class type of the elements in the list
# this will raise an error if YourValidationClass does not extend ValidationTest do |v|
  raise ValidationClassError unless v.is_a? ValidationTest

# run validations{|v|}

# check the class type of the validation reports
# this will raise an error if the run method of YourValidationClass does not return ValidationReport do |v|
  raise ValidationClassError unless v.validation_report.is_a? ValidationReport

Hope this was helpful and we look forward to your feedback!

Thoughts on YAML

One option for our gene validation tool is to store the output results into a YAML file. Why we use YAML and other thoughts about this are exposed below. 

YAML is a data serialization language for representing data structures in a human-readable way. It's "Yet Another Markup Language", along with JSON and XML. Using JSON to serialize class instances means including type information of the instance variables into a JSON object. If the goal is serialization the Ruby object so that to be read back somewhere else, YAML is the choice. Ruby has built-in automagical YAML serialization/deserialization. Any object you create in Ruby can be serialized with pretty much no effort into YAML format.

The basic components of YAML are associative arrays (maps) and lists. Here is an example for the representation of these components in YAML, JSON and XML. The data used in the example is part of a map that links the description of the gene and the validation results.


  prediction_len: 159
    - 156
    - 237
    percentage: 0.1
    msg: TOO_LONG

In YAML representation, data structure hierarchy is maintained by outline indentation (one or more spaces). Sequence items are denoted by a dash, and key value pairs within a map are separated by a colon. 


{"sp|Q197F7|003L_IIV3": {
  "prediction_len": 159,
  "length_validation_cluster": {
    "limits": [
      {"value": "156"},
      {"value": "237"},     
  "length_validation_rank": { 
    "percentage": 0.1
    "msg": "TOO_LONG"

As you can see, JSON files are also valid YAML files. YAML syntax semms to be more human accessible -  nested delimiters like {}, [], and " marks are replaced with white space indents.


<gene def="sp|Q197F7|003L_IIV3">
  <prediction_len value=159/>
    <limits value="156"/>
    <limits value="237"/>
    <prediction_len value="159"/>
    <percentage value="0.1">
    <msg value="TOO_LONG"> 

Now it's very easy to add an item (class instance) to the YAML file, using the 'yaml' ruby gem.
      raport = ValidationRaport(prediction, hits)
      # load the existing content of the hash from the yaml file       
      hsh = YAML.load_file(file_yaml)
      # add a new key in the hash
      hsh[prediction.definition] = raport
      # update YAML file, "w") do |f|
         YAML.dump(hsh, f)

Part of a real output file generated by the gene validation tool looks like this:

sp|P19084|11S3:HELAN: !ruby/object:Output
  prediction_len: 400
  prediction_def: sp|P19084|11S3_HELAN 11S globulin seed storage protein G3 OS=Helianthus
    annuus GN=HAG3 PE=3 SV=1
  nr_hits: 500
  filename: data/uniprot_curated/uniprot_curated.fasta
  idx: 3
  start_idx: 1
  image_histo_len: data/uniprot_curated/uniprot_curated.fasta_3_len_clusters.jpg
  image_plot_merge: data/uniprot_curated/uniprot_curated.fasta_3_match.jpg
  image_histo_merge: data/uniprot_curated/uniprot_curated.fasta_3_match_2d.jpg
  image_orfs: data/uniprot_curated/uniprot_curated.fasta_3_orfs.jpg

  length_validation_cluster: !ruby/object:LengthClusterValidationOutput
    - 445
    - 542
    prediction_len: 400
  length_validation_rank: !ruby/object:LengthRankValidationOutput
    percentage: 0.4
    msg: 'YES'
  reading_frame_validation: !ruby/object:BlastRFValidationOutput
      0: 541
    msg: 0:541;
  gene_merge_validation: !ruby/object:GeneMergeValidationOutput
    slope: 0.012590073314548955
    threshold_down: 0.4
    threshold_up: 1.2
  duplication: !ruby/object:DuplciationValidationOutput
    pvalue: 1
    threshold: 0.05
  orf: !ruby/object:ValidationReport
    message: ! '-'

This file is obtained by encoding object into YAML format using Ruby.
In order make statistics on the number of positive / false positive / false negative results, we use another YAML file that stores the validation results for a list data labelled by hand:

- PB18752-RA:
     valid_length: "no"
     valid_rf: "yes"
     gene_merge: "no"
     duplication: "no"
     orf: "no"

In the statistical test, the validation output and the reference data are compared based on the gene description (this is the key).

Some aspects one has to care about when handling YAML files:

- boolean variables: note that "yes, no, true, false" are reserved words and may be avoided in the YAML file. If you use the value `yes` in the YAML this will actually be converted to `true` in the resulting object, after deserialization. To fix this, you can treat these reserved words as strings, despite their special meaning.

- indentation should be properly used. Each node must be indented further than its parent and all sibling nodes must use the exact same indentation level.

Just play a little with this YAML file example (spaces are marked with #):

(2)##valid_length: "no"  # 2 spaces (#)
(4)###valid_length: "yes" # 3 spaces (#)

Object deserialization:

require "yaml"
filename_yml_reference = "test_output/test_reference.yaml"
yml_ref = YAML.load_file(filename_yml_reference)
puts yml_ref

Look at the output and see how a single space makes the difference:

{"SI2.2.0_06267"=>nil, "valid_length"=>"no"}
Moreover, if you use only one space in lines (2) and (4) you get a parse error...


Half of GSoC

It's been a while since my last post on the blog: one week holiday, followed by a code refactorization and bug fixing period and finaly, the GSoC mid term evaluations. Meanwhile, the application took shape, became more robust and half of the validations have been implemented. Currently, our application analysis the predicted genes and provides useful information based on the similarities to genes in public databases (e.g length validation, gene merge and sequence duplication checking, reading frame and main ORF validation). An output example is available at [1]. 

The results of the validations can be visualized in console, in yaml or html format. By choosing the html output format, you enable plot image generation. The distribution of the data specific to each kind of distribution can be graphically visualized and possible errors in the genes may be highlighted.

At the moment our deliverable is a ruby gem, decorated with unit and statistical tests and automatically generated documentation. It can be cloned from the 'rubygem' branch of the git repo. I'll come back soon with another post regarding the application code structure and how new validations can be added.

Validations were tested and labelled by hand. What I noticed is that even genes that passed through a first round of curation (e.g those on ncbi databases) are susceptible of not being accurately predicted. Further, we are looking for a list of recently curated genes (unreleased yet) in Hymenopteragenome database [2] to check if our tool makes evidence about some improvements among predictions from two different releases.

What's next? We start a new validation test based on multiple alignment in order highlight the extra regions/gaps in the prediction and check whether the conserved regions appear in the predicted sequence.

If you are a biocurator, you may want to use our tool to save your time and facilitate your work, by keeping track of the genes that are susceptible of having problems so that to be curated first or discarded. If you are a bioinformatics enthusiast, you may want to see if the genes form the databases you use have problems and evaluate how strong your gene analysis is, as long as the data you use is verified and validated.

As half of the GSoC already passed, I just want to say that I enjoy a lot the time spent on this project and the people I met on this occasion. What is cool about GSoC is that you work on the project you are keen on and manage your time as you wish. Also, working remotely involves additional challenges. Regarding Ruby, it's been several weeks since I started programming in this language and what I can say by now is that I got along very well with it. It's an awesome language and very intuitive to use for someone who once got in touch with Python/Haskell. 

I am coming back next with a post on my first experience with YAML data representation.
